Utirerei Motel i Gilbert Islands

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Kontakter telefon: +686 21168
Hjemmeside: www.utirereimotel.com
Latitude: 1.3545369, Longitude: 173.0412233
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Kommentar 5

  • Toar



    Room is clean. Intercontinental breakfast. Wifi is not free. Easy to arrange airport transfer.

  • Kelsey Grey

    Kelsey Grey


    Highly recommended! My colleague and I lived at Utirerei for two months and very much enjoyed our stay. The staff are friendly and helpful, the rooms are meticulous and comfortable, and the restaurant is good. AC, hot water, fridge and kettle.

  • Debbi Norman

    Debbi Norman


    Comfortable, clean and great staff. An oasis on Sourj Tarawa.

  • Filly Junior

    Filly Junior


    I stayed at the Motel on my first visit to Kiribati for work and I didn't know what to expect. The room I stayed in was clean and comfortable with aircon and hot water (although I didn't use much of it because of the hot weather). There is also WiFi but I couldn't get full coverage inside the room even though the hotspot is about 20 m away. I had to go outside for a full coverage which was an inconvenience. My room didn't have a kettle until about two days before I left when a friend said all rooms are supposed to have one. There was also no Motel booklet in my room explaining the services and cost. The staff however were quick to bring me both these items. There is a toilet dispenser in the toilet space in the bathroom which I kept bumping into because of my height. I think that could be improved by moving it to the opposite side of the cubicle to free up more space. The food at the Utirerei Restaurant was great. There were some delicious food in the menu although on two occasions my order got lost in transit to the kitchen so i had to wait for a lot longer and the other i had to make do with toast and tea since the kitchen was closed for good. Regarding the Restaurant, the menu remained the same throughout the week of my stay so there were limited options available. Maybe they can consider mixing up the menu every once in a while. Perhaps a unique feature of the Motel is the pond beside the Resturant. There are small huts along the south bank of the pond which provides diners more privacy. This was a creative use of the pond which can look like a lake at night if you're dining at the Restaurant. The staff were extremely friendly and were accommodating. I was fortunate enough to be part of the Motel's Christmas party alongside other guests and it was incredible. We were treated to traditional and modern dances from the staff and others and enjoyed a sumptuous meal afterwards. Overall, my stay was good and i would recommend it to anyone looking for a place to stay in Kiribati. E raba Utirerei

  • Ryan Toyne

    Ryan Toyne


    Rooms were good, aircon worked well. The restaurant was awesome and staff were really friendly. Perfect little spot.

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