Dreamers Guest House i Bairiki

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Ambo,, Bairiki, Kiribati
Kontakter telefon: +686
Hjemmeside: www.dreamerskiribati.com
Latitude: 1.3565312, Longitude: 173.0451772
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Kommentar 4

  • Laurie Hoffman

    Laurie Hoffman





    Nice choice for tourism in Tarawa. The house is breezy and clean, stands just beside the ocean. No aircon inside the room, which is not necessary because of the location. The host is very friendly and kind, providing useful travel information about Tarawa. It's not like a hotel equipped with luxury staffs but it's comfortable and much more suitable for those looking for a natural and relaxed place to stay during your vacation.

  • Taamwe Teribwa

    Taamwe Teribwa


  • John Paul Cauchi

    John Paul Cauchi


    Dreamers Guest House is a beautiful place in Ambo, Tarawa. It has amazing hospitality, and its host Beta was always happy to have a chat, and she prepared some amazing dinners for us, her guests. This is not a hotel - but far far better than a hotel. The place is clean, and breezy, with an oceanside lagoon next to a veranda. At high tide, the lagoon is a stunning turquoise, with the ocean breaking off in the distance by the small islands which you can walk to at low tide. At night, you can see all the stars. Breakfast was always tasty and prepared lovingly by our hostess, Beta. Rooms are large, airy and comfortable. There is a great selection of books available. All rooms come prepared with a fan - a necessity at night. Its location, its beauty and its simplicity all make this a place I'd definitely recommend for anyone seeking a quiet place on Tarawa.

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